What is PUBG Mobile Popularity?

What’s known as Popularity in PUBG Mobile is the frequency of interactions a player has in his Space. Basically, a PUBG Mobile player’s popularity increases whenever he or she gets a visit from another player and that visitor sends a gift—the chicken button. As a token of appreciation to visitors, the top three contributors to the overall popularity will be aptly displayed as “fans” in the Space.

In addition to this, a minority (about 10%) of recent visitors will also be displayed in the Space as “recent visitors“. As more and more people frequent a player’s Space, their overall popularity will rise. Players can check out their popularity ranking at the lobby (found near the bottom of the screen). As an added treat to the most popular PUBG Mobile players, the top 100 players—popularity-wise—get to receive a temporary achievement of either “Popularity King” or “Popularity Rookie”.

While popularity doesn’t necessarily give anything additional save for bragging rights and something of an ego boost, it’s still a fun thing to take note of in a socially interactive game like PUBG Mobile.

Looking for PUBG Mobile popularity for sale?

While there are organic ways to go about it, those can take time. Instead of waiting for numbers to shoot up, players can buy PUBG Mobile popularity instead.